life with the cat lady

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Do You Know How Much I Love You??? THE MOST!

Today I dedicate my blog to all my sisters from another mister. I have a lot of them. Some are blood related and others are not but I love them equally.

I have always had a close knit group. No matter where I lived. The kind of friends that you can literally tell anything and it's ok, safe, discussed at great length and helped let go, move forward or shake it off. That makes me one lucky bitch.

For the most part the group remains ladies but I have had a few fellows in the circle of trust. You know who you are and if you are reading this....your friendship and perspective has meant the world to me and still does and we are forever connected.

Without going into major details, we have all been through breakups, divorces, hard times, scandal, bad choices, injury, surgery, work drama, job loss, horrible boyfriends, moves, booty calls, and general mistake making....and that's just me. KIDDING! I do have a fair share of the above and I can tell you this....I would never have made it without this amazing group of people I call best friends. I only hope they can say the same about me.

If I haven't made myself clear enough, I love these folks so much that I would drop whatever if needed and I know they would do the same. I can send a text full of drama and what should I do questions and I will get an immediate response. I can send a group text letting them know about a situation and they all will have my back. Like I said....I'm one lucky bitch.

Some of these people are far away. We don't talk as often and that is most likely my fault. I don't get to see them as often as I like and that is my fault as well. What I do know is when we talk, it's like I we never were apart. Now that is a beautiful thing.

I believe I have made it this far in my life because of my support group. They have pulled me out of moping, they have told me to simmer down. They have let me speak my mind and still love me. They have let me smack talk and accept that everything may be just fine the next day and they have told me how they feel about things and even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, I knew it came from a place of love and that.....makes me one lucky bitch

Thank you for being my friends.


  1. We are the lucky ones!! Thank you for putting my kids to bed for me countless times when I was a the breaking point, sick or on bedrest. You always listen and you always have my back! You are the best Girl's Girl, Aunt, Janny, Concert Buddy, Dip Party Starter, Queen of Pepper, Roast Worthy, Two Direction Groupie, Cat Lady, Oil Drippin, Mayo LOVIN, Gagging on video, Paparazzi, Selfie Takin, BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!! We love you!

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