life with the cat lady

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Music Is My Boyfriend. So Is TV.

I'm not hard to please. Turn the music up and let me be the DJ. Give me the TV remote, control. Note the comma. This is because the remote in your hand or near you means exactly that. You are in control. This blog seems to be starting out like I'm a control freak. Well's probably because I AM! However, that is not where I'm going with all let's begin again.

There are two things in this world that I need to function. Some people would say food and water. Some people may say money or love or sex or cats. Those things are great as well but what I need to survive is music and tv. TV branches out to movies, Netflix and regular tv shows. I need all these to survive. Especially as I age. Gracefully. I have found when I can't shut my brain off about life....TV takes it all away. Music makes me so happy that I will take the long way home just to sing.

Are you the same way? I hope because I have never been able to understand people who aren't. Just to make me sound even smarter than I already am....I like to read too. I grew up reading, watching TV and listening to music. I mean I got outside once in a while. Mostly I would ride my bike around and do drive-bys past the boys I liked....because nothing says class like a stalker. I always made sure I was home in time to watch my shows though.

I have many, many, many shows. I have been through many retro show watching phases in my life and I have also spent lots of time saying goodbye to shows I love. You get so wrapped up into it that they do become your life. I am binging on Game of Thrones right now and I am 95% sure I am a girl with a sword protecting people from danger and being a general badass. I have felt like Brenda Walsh and Kelly Taylor before. I am the entire cast of Glee, I have some New Girl in me....all of them...I wanted to marry Aquaman and obvi I am Wonder Woman. I despised Fred Flintstone and his pigheaded behavior but I loved me some Flintstones, I was She-Ra, Jan Brady, definitely Dorothy Zbornak, would not have been upset if I was Judy Jetson, and I am hands down, Monica, Ross and Chandler. With that all being said....we all know who my #soulmate and final person I am....Mindy Kaling. #rolemodel. #idol. #HBIC. If you don't know her....get tooooo. She is one of the smartest ladies in Hollywood. She didn't just land there either. She worked her ass off and paid her dues and wrote and followed her dream. I love her. I want to be her. Oh snap. Off topic again.

Let's talk about music, baby. I have loved more bands in my life than anything else. I have seen hundreds and hundreds of live shows and it's the same thing every time. Elation. How can someone you don't even know, write a song that speaks to you? Or they write a song that makes you want to dance, or make out or anything else really. I was going to say clean your house. But for reals, y' There are people born into this world who are destine to become famous. They have "IT". That factor that makes us shell out money, give them our time and we let them occupy our brain. I thank all of those people. They have helped shape me. As have the writers and such behind them.

I decided to write this blog post today because I watched the season finale of The Mindy Project last night and it was touching. About love. It made me a little sad and I was OK with that. It also made me think for a minute...we are all the same aren't we? And what are we connected and tv. Feelings, good or bad, we all have them. Nothing like seeing it on the big screen to identify better. Or to hear it on the radio or CD and sing like no one is listening.

Today I challenge you to turn on the TV if you can't slow your brain down. Turn on your favorite show and forgot about your shit. 30 mins later it's gonna not seem so bad. Turn that song up in the car. Hit repeat. After a few will feel better. I am fully committed to music and TV and not afraid to tell anyone. Best relationship I have ever had.

Peace out friends!!!