life with the cat lady

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's The Climb

Sorry Miley, but you wrote a a killer song. Is this credit enough?

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but my blog post last week brought in my highest views to date. In the past 3 months I have more than doubled my page views and broken hundreds of records. Ok. I'm lying. I have broken zero records but everything else is true. I am aware there are like 7 billion people in this world and I fully appreciate Justin Bieber for stating that in his song "As Long As You Love Me" so I didn't have to fact check. #bigupsbiebs. I know these numbers aren't huge in the grand scheme of things but they sure make hearts pop out of my eyes.

This week I decided to blog about something on a personal level. No. No. No. Not my love life. Jazzercise!!! I don't talk about it a lot but I post about what I do....which can probably seem confusing. My fitness journey. It's an uncomfortable yet amazing topic. I check in to the Jazzy every day because I need the motivation. The solid proof on record for people who struggle, share or support my journey with me. I would only be half as good if you all didn't have my back.

I joined the Jazz in 1951 (2013). It was International Dancing Day and I was gonna dance with a group of people come hell or high water! So what could have been a better fit than a company that believes dance equals weightloss and staying fit?? Nothing, that's what! At first I wasn't very serious about it. I dabbled. I have spent some time working out in my life. I have never been skinny. However I would bitch slap every last one of you to weigh what I did in high school...when I thought I was fat. Fast forward a few years and I have been up and down and up and down. I put on a small (large) amount of weight during a rather emotional ending of a relationship. Don't worry...we patched things up but not before I went a tiny amount of cray.....spent a few weeks on Xanax and Lexapro and ate EVERYTHING in my way. People. Kids. Cakes. Whatevsss. Point being....I gained a big amount in a small time frame and have been struggling with it every since 2009.

And here we are at 2015. I have lost over 40 pounds. With very hard work. I started seeing the Jazz 6 days a week. I cut all fake sugar out of my life and limited real sugar to a few times a week. I started dating grilled chicken breasts, sweet potatoes and spinach. I also saw salads with no dressing often. Like 3x a week. The heart wants what it wants. #bigupsselenagomez. AND BOOM! CHANGE!!! I wish it would have gone faster. I started at the end of 2013 but I will say...I have learned more about who I am as a person than with anything else I have ever done. You learn a lot about yourself when you take a 5:40am workout class.

I want to be sore every day. I want to go to bed forgetting how many squats I did that day and remember real quick when I wake up in the morning and try to get out of bed. I want the sweat dripping off my face as I shake to hold that plank 30 more seconds. There are few things I can compare a workout high to...I would say music, TV, eating Mexican food, drinking a real Coke, relaxing and hanging with friends. Those things are on the same level as working out to me. I am proud of my hard work and dedication. I have goals and junk and am plowing through them. You should come to the Jazz with me, friends. It will make you high.

#drugpusher #doit #heartspopoutofmyeyes

All The Love,


  1. I love your blog <3

  2. You are amazing! I need to drop some poundage, but that Truffle BLT and matching Truffle fries just called to me today. Gahhhhh.

  3. I got a call from Taco Bell yesterday. Thank you though! Hardest yet most satisfying journey I have ever been on! xoxo oh and are the Yoga Queen!

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