life with the cat lady

Monday, May 4, 2015

Things I Have Done Since Last Week That Involve Tinder.

So one time (last week)...I wrote a blog about Tinder and Hilary Duff being on the Tinder. I got to thinking "well damn....if she can do it, so can I!" So I did. I have officially been on the Tinder for a week. For the most part I have hid my profile because let's be honest, I don't really want to meet anyone. It all sounds good in theory....oh let's meet someone and hang out and do stuff together. That would be regular people theory. Mine is more like this..."if you want to talk for like 3 months so I am 100% sure you are not secret crazy as a mofo or going to beat or murder me when we meet then right swipe me, bitch."

In all fairness I really would need that much time to decide if I wanted to go on a date with someone. Trust me. I have had just about all the uncomfortable "I don't know you" convo I can handle with guys. Flirting. Not good at it. A guy buying me a drink...gag. JUST KIDDING! I'm down with that but mostly only if you have a manbun or glasses.

So as you can see....I have zero business being on Tinder. So now we are at the point of the blog where I tell you what happened during my first week on there.

After 2 long days of noping all the men in my area, changing the mileage radius because I kept running out of men and then re-noping the mensss, I finally found a bio that made me laugh. The last line said "if you don't look like your picture, drinks are on you until you do!" I LOL'd and right swiped that bitch and....IT WAS A MATCH! My first one and he was cute! And in a band in Lawrence! Good grief! I hope he never reads this. I took a screen shot and sent it to all my friends. I sorta felt like a rockstar. I was slightly addicted! I sent him a message all being hilarious and junk and he sent one back and junk and then I deleted him. Don't worry. He will be just fine. He was a hottie. Then I hid my profile. Then I decided to look again.

I found this boy. I say boy because he was 34. Sigh. He was adorbs. Total geek. Glasses. Tall. Lanky. It's like he was made for me. I was in l.o.v.e. so I right swiped....AND IT WAS A MATCH!!!! Hearts were popping out of my eyes. I basically was already in a relationship with him. I decided to let him send me a message first. That or I was going to wait a hot minute. Either way we never talked. The next morning....HE UNMATCHED ME!

And now I hate Tinder. And all guys. Then I found out Hilary Duff was only on Tinder to film the dates for a reality show. So now I hate Hilary Duff.

All the Love,
Jenn Edens

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