life with the cat lady

Thursday, February 19, 2015

So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way.....

Recognize those words? First and foremost, damn they ring true. Second and the bestest, it's the first line to the theme song of one of the best sitcoms ever made. Ever. Ever! I cannot even begin to tell you how I feel about the tv show "Friends". You probably feel the same way. I grew up watching it. And by that I mean I was old enough and on my own. Even though I didn't have a sweet rent controlled apartment in NYC while living through the struggles of young adulthood ...I had a 2 bedroom in Olathe with a hotmess of a boyfriend. Pretty much the same thing. Good thing we broke up and the show continued.

Ok. I lost focus. "Friends". Best show ever. Six friends brought together, bonded for life. Yep. That shit really happens. The fun and laughter and one liners. The friendships and struggles. Like when Phoebe reveals she hates Pottery Barn. Or when Joey has to eat an entire turkey. Or when Monica and Ross go on a truth binge with their parents and all the secrets come out. My favorite episodes were the ones where they filmed in one location. They wrote one for every season. Ask me anything. I know it all. This shouldn't surprise anyone. In general and about "Friends".

I have felt like each one of those "friends" at different times in my life but I call Ross, Monica and Chandler family. I am a freak like Monica...a dork like Ross and hilarious like Chandler. I'm sure you ALL agree. Mostly about the Chandler part. I keep my freak and dork side on the downlow. I dont. #sorrynotsorry.

Many times in my life I have looked around and thought "I want my life to be more like it is at Central Perk!" I want a local hangout right by my apartment where I can make jokes all day and hang with my friends. You have too. Just move back to your hometown, yo. I have also spent years looking for the right kitchen table. Then I will find 4 different yet perfect chairs for it. I will paint my walls purple and get a yellow picture frame for my door. I already have a tv from 1994 so score!!!

In the meantime....I watch my 10 seasons on DVD from time to time and I quote the show like a boss!!! Who doesn't love when you realize you can work "I'm Chandler, could I be wearing any more clothes?" into a convo??? Or when you can perfectly time saying "noooooo!!!" and "I knowww!" with your bestie while in a group. Everyone loves "Friends"! Except my mom. But that's a whole different blog.

Peace Out!

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